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Présidence des Républicains : Laurent Wauquiez, la « bête féroce » dos au mur

Laurent Wauquiez, qui s’est toujours conçu comme l’homme providentiel de sa famille politique, va devoir affronter le très populaire Bruno Retailleau dans la course à la présidence des Républicains. Un combat dans lequel il s’avance bien seul.

Laurent Wauquiez, known as the "ferocious beast," faces challenges within Les Républicains as Bruno Retailleau, the Interior Minister under Jean Bayrou, announces his candidacy for the party presidency. This move has caused tension, with Wauquiez's supporters viewing it as a "war of the leaders." Additionally, Wauquiez's communication strategy in his region has been criticized for self-promotion. The situation raises questions about whether Wauquiez will step down to avoid humiliation or continue his candidacy.

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